Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How to put a podcast on your blog at Classblogmeister

1. Find the podcast you want to use.

2. Right-click on the podcast file.

3. Choose "Copy Link Location". (This will copy the URL of the podcast file onto your clipboard, though you won't see this)

4. Go to Classblogmeister and create a new article.

5. Right-click in the "Podcast URL" box and select paste.

6. This should paste the URL of the podcast into the box.

7. Publish the post.

Find Podcasts

Audacity - Free Audio Recording/Editing Software

Record Podcast by Phone

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Learning in Hand Link

Learning in Hand is Tony Vincent's collection of information and lesson plans on using handheld devices in the classroom; his webpage on podcasting is an excellent resource.

Here you will find concise directions on how to find, subscribe to, listen to, and create podcasts for the classroom.

What is a Podcast? Video

Helpful Educational Podcasting Links

Podcasting Alternatives

How to Podcast: A Tutorial

Why podcast?

The research says...

When students are given a real-world and specific purpose for poetry performance they "develop a deeper sense of the rhetorical nature of language and learn to use written language effectively" (Wyngaard and Gehrke 1996). Cohen and Riel (1989) assert that "the development of functional writing environments to contextualize students' work can lead to improvements in the quality of students' classroom writing".

Cohen, M (1989).The Effect of Distant Audiences on Students' Writing . American Educational Research Journal. 26, 143-159.

Gehrke, R. and Wyngaard, S. (1996).Responding to Audience: Using Rubrics to Teach and Assess Writing . The English Journal. 85, 67-70.